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Mit Videokursen für Beruf, Studium und Freizeit.

Employee Recruitment

Von Zach Davis

Target group
Employees and entrepreneurs who want to recruit suitable employees in clever ways.


Recruiting employees is an important topic for the future of your company. That’s why we have summarized the most important aspects of it. This is what the course will lead to:

  • You will know what makes a company attractive to potential team members and how you can stand out among competing companies.
  • You will be able to assess which recruitment channels work better than others.
  • You will know the eight key reasons why the successful recruitment of employees fails and you know what you can do to optimize your business.


  • Strengthen your understanding and knowledge with quizzes.
  • This course has automated captions. Your feedback helps us to continuously improve our offerings.

Keep enhancing your skills, e.g. with our following courses:br>

  • Change Management and Transformation Design
  • Design Thinking
  • Our compliance offerings
  • Occupational health management
  • Intercultural skills
  • Innovation and knowledge management in companies

Now with automated transcripts. Your feedback helps us improve continuously.


  • Enthaltene Vorträge: 14
  • Laufzeit: 0:56 h

Dozenten des Kurses Employee Recruitment

 Zach Davis

Zach Davis

Zach Davis ist studierter Betriebswirt und Experte für Zeitintelligenz und Zukunftsfähigkeit. Als Unternehmens-Coach hat er einen tiefen Einblick in über 80 verschiedene Branchen erhalten. Er wurde 2011 als Vortragsredner des Jahres ausgezeichnet und ist bis heute als Speaker gefragt. Außerdem ist Zach Davis Autor von acht Büchern und Gründer des Trainingsinstituts Peoplebuilding.

Mehr Informationen erhalten Sie unter: https://peoplebuilding.de/


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