Entdecken Sie, was
Sie lernen können.Mit Videokursen für Beruf, Studium und Freizeit.
Target Audience
Anyone who works with IT on a day-to-day basis and wants to protect themselves and their company from IT attacks.
Protect yourself from personal attacks.
Basic Information for the Course
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Develop yourself continuously, e.g. with our courses on these topics:
You as the Target | 01:51 |
Social Engineering and Phishing | 09:28 |
Social Engineering and Phishing in Office Life | 04:05 |
Ransomware | 07:08 |
Ransomware in Office Life | 04:35 |
Malware | 09:38 |
Malware in Office Life | 05:16 |
In Summary: How Can You Protect Yourself? | 01:49 |