Fraude – Prevención von Lecturio Online Courses

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Über den Vortrag

Der Vortrag „Fraude – Prevención“ von Lecturio Online Courses ist Bestandteil des Kurses „Instrucciones de Cumplimiento (ES)“.

Quiz zum Vortrag

  1. 34 % of the companies surveyed.
  2. 26 % of the companies surveyed.
  3. 53 % of the companies surveyed.
  4. 12 % of the companies surveyed
  1. You immediately report security risks and suspicions to your superiors or the Compliance department.
  2. You encourage the principle of dual control at work and always work on business processes as part of a team where possible.
  3. You monitor the work of your colleagues and speak to them directly if you have the feeling that fraud has been committed.
  4. You rely on the internal company guidelines and only report specifically listed suspected cases.
  1. Unusual financial transactions
  2. Gifts above the usual business level
  3. Accumulation of discrepancies in business documents
  4. Frequent business trips
  5. Declining employee satisfaction
  1. You immediately report your suspected case to your superiors and the internal compliance department.
  2. You document the discrepancy and keep all relevant documents and information safe in order to provide support in the event of an investigation.
  3. You consult with your colleagues, perhaps there is a misunderstanding that can easily be clarified.
  4. You try to correct the discrepancy yourself in order to resolve the problem quickly.
  1. 34 % de las empresas encuestadas.
  2. 26 % de las empresas encuestadas.
  3. 53 % de las empresas encuestadas.
  4. 12 % de las empresas encuestadas.
  1. Informar inmediatamente los riesgos de seguridad y sospechas a sus superiores o al Departamento de Cumplimiento.
  2. Fomentar el principio de control dual en el trabajo y siempre trabajar en procesos comerciales como parte de un equipo cuando sea posible.
  3. Monitorear el trabajo de sus colegas y hablarles directamente si tiene la sensación de que se ha cometido un fraude.
  4. Confiar en las directrices internas de la empresa y solo informar de casos sospechosos específicamente enumerados.
  1. Transacciones financieras inusuales
  2. Regalos por encima del nivel comercial habitual
  3. Acumulación de discrepancias en los documentos comerciales
  4. Viajes de negocios frecuentes
  5. Disminución de la satisfacción de los empleados
  1. Informas inmediatamente a tus superiores y al departamento de Compliance interno sobre tu caso sospechoso.
  2. Documentas la discrepancia y mantienes todos los documentos e información relevantes en un lugar seguro para proporcionar apoyo en caso de una investigación.
  3. Consultas primero con tus colegas para ver si hay un malentendido que se pueda aclarar fácilmente.
  4. Intentas corregir la discrepancia tú mismo para resolver el problema rápidamente.

Dozent des Vortrages Fraude – Prevención

 Lecturio Online Courses

Lecturio Online Courses

Lecturio provides sustainable, simple and cost-efficient continuing education and training to companies and private customers. The e-learning catalogue consists of more than 7000 video-based courses covering over 80 topics. The focus is on compliance, leadership, project management, distribution, and medicine. Most of private customers use Lecturio in parallel to their studies and to prepare for their exams in medicine and law. Lecturio provides practical video-based online training—in German and English. Thousands of quiz questions help to measure and assess the learning success. Lecturio courses are available on all devices—and even offline with the iOS and Android app. Lecturio’s mission is to help companies and private customers to develop their full potential.


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