Risk Management Definition & Fundamentals von Simone Hoferer

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Über den Vortrag

Der Vortrag „Risk Management Definition & Fundamentals“ von Simone Hoferer ist Bestandteil des Kurses „Risk Management (RM): Preparing Offers“. Der Vortrag ist dabei in folgende Kapitel unterteilt:

  • Objective of this chapter
  • Definition of risk & project
  • Correlation between risk and project
  • Purpose of risk management
  • Résumé
  • Risk Management process itself
  • Conclusion

Quiz zum Vortrag

  1. A risk is an event in the future whose outcome in its consequence is insecure (positive or negative).
  2. A risk is always a future danger or problem.
  3. A risk is an event which has already taken place.
  4. A risk is an incident for which one should effect an insurance.
  1. A project is a specific, goal oriented, one time enterprise which will take place in the future and has to fulfill versatile requirements.
  2. A project is a specific, goal oriented, recurring enterprise which will take place in the future and has to fulfill versatile requirements.
  3. A project is an enterprise which consists mainly of standard procedures but requires more resources than usual.
  4. A project is an undefined enterprise which will take place in the future and will require tremendous amounts of money to be accomplished.
  1. to identify potential dangers in order to take appropriate precaution measures to reduce the probability or the impact on the project.
  2. to support and protect management just in cases of crises or major problems.
  3. to help finding and selecting the most appropriate insurances for potential dangers.
  4. not to burden project management with wasting already scarce resources and should only be conducted if time is available.
  1. were lacking of understanding.
  2. were ignored or not taken seriously enough.
  3. were lost out of sight.
  4. were identified or realized.
  5. were estimated.
  1. Check acutely into the project and look for risks and opportunities.
  2. Evaluate the identified risks and chances.
  3. Consider how to deal with them.
  4. Take care that appropriate measures are being taken.
  5. Communicate with all parties that there is no expected risk due to the risk management.
  1. 1. RM-Planning, 2. Identification, 3. Assessment & Evaluation, 4. Action Planning, 5. Controlling & Monitoring, 6. Communication
  2. 1. Communication, 2. Identification, 3. Assessment & Evaluation, 4. Controlling & Monitoring, 5. Action Planning, 6. RM-Planning
  3. 1. RM-Planning, 2. Identification, 3. Evaluation, 4. Communication, 5. Controlling & Monitoring, 6. Prevention
  4. 1. RM-Planning, 2. Specify Requirements, 3. Assessment & Evaluation, 4. Action Planning, 5. Controlling & Monitoring, 6. Communication

Dozent des Vortrages Risk Management Definition & Fundamentals

 Simone Hoferer

Simone Hoferer

Simone Hoferer ist systemischer Business Coach, Trainerin und Moderatorin.
Ihre Coachings und Trainings im Businessbereich sind aus der Praxis für die Praxis: Simone Hoferer war, als staatl. geprüfte Innenraum- und Möbelgestalterin, langjährig als Projektmanagerin und Teamleiterin tätig und hat als Kalkulatorin hochwertige Innenausbauprojekte in über 30 Ländern abgewickelt und verantwortlich betreut.

Im Iran hat Sie die Designabteilung einer Möbelfertigung aufgebaut und geleitet. Bereits während ihrer Gesellenzeit zur Schreinerin zog es sie ins Ausland und so arbeitete sie ein Jahr lang in Jasper, Indiana in den USA in der Qualitätssicherung einer Möbelfabrik für Hotelmöbel.

Simone Hoferer is a system. Business Coach, trainer and moderator.
Her coachings and trainings in business division are made from professional for professionals: Simone Hoferer as Master craftsman in cabinet making, was Project manager and supervisor for the realisation of projects in more than 30 countries.

In Iran she built-on and managed the design department of a furniture fabrication. Already during her journeyman's years of service as a carpenter she was attracted to foreign countries. So she worked in Jasper, Indiana (USA) in the quality management of a furniture fabrication for one year.


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