Behavioral Theories and Sigmund Freud von Helen Farrell, MD

Über den Vortrag

Der Vortrag „Behavioral Theories and Sigmund Freud“ von Helen Farrell, MD ist Bestandteil des Kurses „Year 2 – Neurology-Psychiatry“. Der Vortrag ist dabei in folgende Kapitel unterteilt:

  • Behavior Theories
  • Sigmund Freud
  • Freud's Theories of the Mind

Quiz zum Vortrag

  1. Behaviors result from unconscious mental processes, including defense mechanisms and conflicts between the ego, superego, id, and external factors.
  2. Behaviors result from a conscious mental process, including defense mechanisms and conflicts
  3. Behaviors result from planned actions resulting from defense mechanisms and conflicts
  4. Behaviors result due to conflicting defense mechanisms between ego and superego, leading to an ultimately planned action
  5. Behaviors are conscious efforts to resolve the conflicts between ego and external reality
  1. Melanie Klein believed that people developed a psyche in relation to their defense mechanisms
  2. Sigmund Freud is the founder of psychoanalysis and developed both the topographic and structural theories of mind
  3. Melanie Klein is an Austrian-British psychoanalyst known for her work in child psychology and psychoanalysis
  4. According to Melanie Klein, the first object in someone is usually an internalized image of one’s mother or primary caregiver
  5. Heinz Kohut developed the theory of self-psychology which he hypothesized as having a three-part self
  1. Memories and thoughts that are just below the surface but can be brought into awareness
  2. Thoughts that are completely suppressed
  3. Thoughts that are in complete awareness
  4. Thoughts due to the influence of an outside mind/person
  5. Thoughts which keep changing based on the situation
  1. Ego
  2. ID
  3. Superego
  4. Both the ego and superego
  5. Both the ID and ego
  1. A mechanism used by the ego to protect oneself and relieve anxiety by keeping conflicts out of awareness
  2. A mechanism used by the superego to protect oneself and relieve anxiety by analyzing conflicts subconsciously
  3. A mechanism used by the ego to protect oneself and relieve itself from conflicts by involving the ID and superego
  4. A mechanism used by the ID to protect oneself and relieve anxiety by solving conflicts of the conscious mind
  5. A mechanism used by the ego to protect oneself and relieve stress by consciously addressing all conscious conflicts

Dozent des Vortrages Behavioral Theories and Sigmund Freud

 Helen Farrell, MD

Helen Farrell, MD

Dr. Helen M. Farrell is a board-certified psychiatrist and works in private practice in Boston MA. She obtained her MD from Trinity College Dublin, Ireland in 2006. Dr. Farrell served on the Harvard Medical School faculty for over a decade, during which time she was an award-winning lecturer.

Due to her achievements, she is well-published in the field of psychiatry and forensic psychiatry and has appeared as an expert witness in court. She also delivered the TEDx Talk, “Creating Hope for Mental Health” in 2015 and has since contributed to multiple TED-Ed videos on mental health, which have over 30 million collective views.

Within Lecturio, Dr. Farrell teaches courses on Psychiatry.


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Good job....
von Cher Clarmhelle G. am 10. April 2020 für Behavioral Theories and Sigmund Freud

It was really nice! I learned more about other people who are involved with Behavioral Theories.

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