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The Brain: Structure and Function (EN)
Von Dr. Dr. Damir del Monte (2)
New findings in brain research are of outstanding importance for all professional groups that work intensively with people. But if you really want to understand how human perception, thinking, feeling and acting are constituted, you would be well advised to first lay the foundations of this highly exciting body of knowledge. In the course package “The Brain - Structure and Function”, Damir del Monte presents precisely these histological, physiological and functional-anatomical foundations of the complex edifice of neuroscience in an easily understandable, systematic and at the same time exciting way. Excursions into the history of brain research, into clinical contexts, as well as the presentation of the contents from a functional point of view and thus the connection to psychological categories, make learning a lively and exciting journey of discovery.
The course package contains the courses: 1. Brain World — Neurohistology: Systematization of the nervous system and the presentation of all the important building blocks of nervous tissue: the nerve cells (neurons) and the various and increasingly classified glial cells.
2. Brain World — Neurophysiology: The elementary basics of all functional processes (neurons, excitation processes, synapses, neurotransmitters such as glutamate and GABA and neuromodulators such as dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin) are explained here within the framework of neurophysiology - exciting and indispensable basis for a real understanding of brain processes.
3. Brain World — Neuroanatomy: The structure of the brain is presented here in the sense of a functionally guided description of neuronal systems. The motto: understand principles, make connections and “bring the brain to life”. Anatomy cannot be more exciting.
Dozenten des Kurses The Brain: Structure and Function (EN)
Dr. Dr. Damir del Monte (2)
Dr. phil. Dr. scient. med. Damir del Monte initially studied psychology at the Universities of Hanover and Cologne. His research focussed on psychotraumatology and learning research and was carried out at the Institute for Clinical Psychology at the University of Cologne under Prof. Gottfried Fischer. In addition to scientific work, clinical training in psycho- and body-therapeutic methods (causal psychotherapy according to Fischer, MPTT, EMDR, Brainspotting, sports therapy), as well as specialisation in psychotrauma and pain therapy follow.
This was followed by studies in medical science at the University of Heidelberg and the Paracelsus Medical Private University in Salzburg. Dr. Dr. del Monte works as a scientist at the Institute for Synergetics and Psychotherapy Research at the PMU Salzburg (headed by Prof. Schiepek) in the field of "Neuroscientific Therapy and Depression Research". As a lecturer for "Functional Neuroanatomy" and "Neurobiology of Psychotherapy" he holds teaching positions at various universities in Germany, Austria and Slovenia. As a keynote speaker, Dr. Dr. del Monte is internationally kindly regarded and holds lectures and seminars in numerous countries. For more information, please visit www.damirdelmonte.com
Studium und Promotion absolviert Dr. phil. Dr. scient. med. Damir del Monte zunächst im Fach Psychologie an den Universitäten Hannover und Köln. Die Forschungsschwerpunkte liegen dabei in den Bereichen Psychotraumatologie- und Lernforschung und finden am Institut für Klinische Psychologie der Universität zu Köln bei Prof. Gottfried Fischer ihre Umsetzung. Neben der wissenschaftlichen Tätigkeit erfolgen klinische Ausbildungen in psycho- und körpertherapeutischen Verfahren (Kausale Psychotherapie nach Fischer, MPTT, EMDR, Brainspotting, Sporttherapie), sowie Spezialisierungen in der Psychotrauma- und Schmerztherapie.
Es folgt ein Studium der Medizin-Wissenschaft an der Universität Heidelberg und der Paracelsus Medizinischen Privatuniversität Salzburg. Dr. Dr. del Monte ist als Wissenschaftler am Institut für Synergetik und Psychotherapieforschung der PMU Salzburg (Leitung Prof. Schiepek) im Bereich "Neurowissenschaftliche Therapie- und Depressions-Forschung" tätig. Als Dozent für "Funktionelle Neuroanatomie" und "Neurobiologie der Psychotherapie" bekleidet er Lehraufträge an verschiedenen Universitäten in Deutschland, Österreich und Slowenien. Als Keynote-Speaker genießt Dr. Dr. del Monte internationales Ansehen und hält Vorträge und Seminare in zahlreichen Ländern. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter www.damirdelmonte.com
5,0 von 5 Sternen
5 Sterne
4 Sterne
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2 Sterne
1 Stern
von Karen S. am 14. Mai 2024 für Brain World: Neuroanatomy (EN)
I love this course so much. I have learned so much! I can listen to this over and over again - what an outstanding way to learn. Thank you Dr. Damir del Monte!
5,0 von 5 Sternen
5 Sterne
4 Sterne
3 Sterne
2 Sterne
1 Stern
von Karen S. am 14. Mai 2024 für Brain World: Neuroanatomy (EN)
I love this course so much. I have learned so much! I can listen to this over and over again - what an outstanding way to learn. Thank you Dr. Damir del Monte!
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