Fast reading and understanding texts von Zach Davis

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Über den Vortrag

Der Vortrag „Fast reading and understanding texts“ von Zach Davis ist Bestandteil des Kurses „PoweReading©: Speed Reading Techniques (EN)“. Der Vortrag ist dabei in folgende Kapitel unterteilt:

  • II. Measurement
  • Analysing the measurement
  • Exercise: Drill
  • Finding most important piece of information
  • The power of questions
  • Knowledge net
  • Headline questions

Quiz zum Vortrag

  1. Your reading speed slightly increases but your level of comprehension stays the same.
  2. Your reading speed slightly increases as well as your level of comprehension.
  3. Your reading speed slightly increases but your level of comprehension decreases.
  4. Your reading speed stays the same but your level of comprehension slightly increases.
  1. You phrase open questions referring to this information.
  2. You phrase declarative sentences referring to this information.
  3. You phrase imperative sentences referring to this information.
  4. You phrase polar questions referring to this information.
  1. You are about to read a text dealing with a topic, you are familiar with.
  2. You have finished reading a text about a topic, you know a lot about.
  3. You have finished reading a text about a topic, you know little about.
  4. You are about to read a text dealing with a topic, you are not familiar with.
  1. One Question
  2. Three Questions
  3. Five Questions
  4. Ten Questions
  1. Your brain is able to better select important information in the text.
  2. Your brain focusses on characters in the text.
  3. Your brain focusses on names in the text.
  4. Your brain focusses on vivid similes in the text.
  1. Pages, which contain information you are not familiar with.
  2. Pages, which contain information you are hardly familiar with.
  3. Pages, which contain information you are only a little familiar with.
  4. Pages, which contain information you are familiar with.
  1. Reading the Subheadlines
  2. Taking a Look at the Charts and Graphics
  3. Phrasing Questions Concerning the Content
  4. Skimming the First and Last Paragraph

Dozent des Vortrages Fast reading and understanding texts

 Zach Davis

Zach Davis

Zach Davis ist studierter Betriebswirt und Experte für Zeitintelligenz und Zukunftsfähigkeit. Als Unternehmens-Coach hat er einen tiefen Einblick in über 80 verschiedene Branchen erhalten. Er wurde 2011 als Vortragsredner des Jahres ausgezeichnet und ist bis heute als Speaker gefragt. Außerdem ist Zach Davis Autor von acht Büchern und Gründer des Trainingsinstituts Peoplebuilding.

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