Presentation skills (part 1): preparation von Michael Schmitz

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Über den Vortrag

Der Vortrag „Presentation skills (part 1): preparation“ von Michael Schmitz ist Bestandteil des Kurses „Effective communication through soft skills“. Der Vortrag ist dabei in folgende Kapitel unterteilt:

  • How to improve?
  • Better preparation: Paper
  • S1: Goals
  • S2: Key statements
  • S3: Overall storyline
  • S4: Timeline
  • S5: Excitement
  • S6: Interaction
  • S7: Visual presentation
  • S8: Details and tools
  • S9: Trial run

Quiz zum Vortrag

  1. Using your computer to note ideas
  2. Using pen and paper, sitting down and drafting everything
  3. Using your template to write down notes
  4. Asking friends and colleagues to support me, and preparing it together
  1. They are short.
  2. They are stories and focused on eliciting a specific, defined target reaction.
  3. They are filled with facts and technical details.
  4. They should cite their sources and be perfectly formatted.
  1. Stories and examples can be used to increase excitement and therefore the emotional investment.
  2. Jokes and funny noises can be used to increase excitement and therefore the emotional investment.
  3. Visual elements can be used to increase excitement and therefore the emotional investment.
  4. Different tools can be used to increase excitement and therefore the emotional investment.
  1. Initiate discussions by asking open questions.
  2. Provide tasks.
  3. Involve the audience in a game or exercise to break the fourth wall.
  4. Show them audios.
  5. Ask a rhetorical question.
  1. need to improve my preparation, delivery and review workflow.
  2. simply need to spend more time on stage.
  3. will focus on the key skill I need: the perfect preparation.
  4. should not be watching videos, but instead spend more time working.
  1. we have completed all steps, including our professional risk analysis.
  2. we have practiced our presentation a few times.
  3. our time is up.
  4. everything is prepared with the software we use.
  1. 1. goals, 2. most important elements, 3. overall story and timeline, 4. timeline – excitement and interaction, 5. excitement, 6. interaction- interact with your audience, 7. visual presentation, 8. details and tools, 9. trial
  2. 1. goals, 2. most important elements, 3. overall story and timeline, 4. use the computer, 5. excitement, 6. interaction- interact with your audience, 7. visual presentation, 8. details and tools, 9. trial
  3. 1. goals, 2. least important elements, 3. most important elements 4. overall story and timeline, 5. use the computer, 6. excitement, 7. interaction- interact with your audience, 8. visual presentation, 9. details and tools, 10. trial
  4. 1. goals, 2. most important elements, 3. overall story and timeline, 4. timeline – excitement and interaction, 5. excitement, 6. interaction- interact with your audience, 7. visual presentation, 8. details and tools

Dozent des Vortrages Presentation skills (part 1): preparation

 Michael Schmitz

Michael Schmitz

Michael Schmitz ist der Gründer von Artefact Consulting und führt Trainings für Universitäten und Firmen weltweit durch. Neben seiner Tätigkeit als Trainer und Dozent ist er Buchautor von "Elitestudent - Wie werde ich besser als der Durchschnitt" und Geschäftsführer eines Netzwerks für Elitestudenten ( Vor seiner Selbstständigkeit hat er für die Deutsche Bank in Frankfurt und London gearbeitet und war mit globalen Managementaufgaben und Bankenintegrationsprojekten beschäftigt. Michael Schmitz schloss seine Studien an der Rotterdam School of Management und der Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration in Bergen mit einem Master of Science in International Management und einem weiteren Master, dem CEMS Master in International Management, ab. Er hat einen Bachelor of Science in International Business von der Universität Maastricht und der BI Norwegian School of Management in Oslo.


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