Facebook & Social Plugins von Eduonix Learning Solutions

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Über den Vortrag

Der Vortrag „Facebook & Social Plugins“ von Eduonix Learning Solutions ist Bestandteil des Kurses „Javascript Software Development Kit“. Der Vortrag ist dabei in folgende Kapitel unterteilt:

  • Create New App On Facebook Dashboard
  • Implement JavaScript SDK To The Website
  • The Login Flow
  • Implement Comments and Activity Buttons

Quiz zum Vortrag

  1. < div id=”fb-root” > < /div >
  2. < div id=”root-fb” > < /div >
  3. < div id=”facebook-root” > < /div >
  4. < div id=”facebook” > < /div >
  1. The app ID and channel file
  2. The app secret and channel file
  3. The status and app ID
  4. The app ID and app secret
  1. FB.getLoginStatus
  2. FB.getStatus
  3. FB.getLoginState
  4. FB.init
  1. Public profile and friends list
  2. User about info
  3. Public profile only
  4. Public news feed
  1. Works with XML formatted data
  2. Query data, posts, stories and more
  3. Uses “objects” and “connections”
  4. Primary way of sending and receiving data
  5. Uses HTTP Requests
  1. graph.facebook.com/4950495845
  2. facebook.com/graph/4950495845
  3. graphapi.facebook.com/4950495845
  4. facebook.com/api/4950495845
  1. Slideshow
  2. Like Box
  3. Like Button
  5. Activity Feed

Dozent des Vortrages Facebook & Social Plugins

 Eduonix Learning Solutions

Eduonix Learning Solutions

Eduonix Learning Solutions - The Knowledge Edge

Eduonix creates and distributes high quality technology training content. The team of industry professionals have been training manpower for more than a decade. Eduonix aims to teach technology the way it is used in industry and professional world. The expertness of the professional team of trainers ranges from Mobility, Web to Enterprise as well as Database and Server Administration.


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