The Photo Album Feature von Sonic Performance

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Über den Vortrag

Der Vortrag „The Photo Album Feature“ von Sonic Performance ist Bestandteil des Kurses „Objects in PowerPoint 2010“. Der Vortrag ist dabei in folgende Kapitel unterteilt:

  • Introduction Photo Album
  • Album Settings
  • Create Photo Album

Quiz zum Vortrag

  1. the finished Excel diagram can be inserted in a slide as a link
  2. the corresponding Excel data can be copied into the Excel table linked with the PowerPoint diagram
  3. the command EXTERNAL DATA in the diagram tools can be used
  1. can be quickly changed via PICTURE FORMAT TEMPLATES
  2. has a floating graphic symbol bar
  3. can also be reverted to its original size via REVERT GRAPHIC
  1. should be inserted in the slide master
  2. has its own tools register tab
  3. does not appear on the title slide by default
  1. be inserted via the START menu
  2. be created via the INSERT menu
  3. be allocated shape effects, e.g. shadows
  4. only be imported into the presentation
  1. a particular slide can be accessed
  2. the previously selected text is given a different color
  3. a PDF document can be opened
  4. you can only be directed to certain websites
  1. an existing SmartArt can be directly substituted by another SmartArt
  2. shape effects such as glow can be allocated
  3. a drawing tools register is displayed on the ribbon
  1. an inserted video is a part of the file
  2. a video can be partially edited in PowerPoint
  3. a video starts automatically when the slide appears

Dozent des Vortrages The Photo Album Feature

 Sonic Performance

Sonic Performance

Sonic Performance Support is a provider of web-based video learning solutions in multiple languages for consumers, corporations of every size, associations and educational institutions.

All videos can be accessed instantly from any computer or mobile device via any browser and come with a human touch. Experienced trainers guide you step-by-step through the software features.


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