(engl.) GMAT reading comprehension (Chapter 3, Part 2) von Robert Kuehl

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Über den Vortrag

Der Vortrag „(engl.) GMAT reading comprehension (Chapter 3, Part 2)“ von Robert Kuehl ist Bestandteil des Kurses „GMAT-Training“. Der Vortrag ist dabei in folgende Kapitel unterteilt:

  • Introduction Reading Comprehension
  • Approaching Reading Comprehension
  • Essentials to memorize
  • Text 1 (easy)
  • Text 1 (easy): Question 1
  • Text 1 (easy): Question 2
  • Text 1 (easy): Question 3
  • Text 1 (easy): Question 4
  • Text 1 (easy): Question 5
  • Text 1 (easy): Question 6
  • Text 1 (easy): Question 7
  • Text 2 (medium)
  • Text 2 (medium): Question 1
  • Text 2 (medium): Question 2
  • Text 2 (medium): Question 3
  • Text 2 (medium): Question 4
  • Text 2 (medium): Question 5
  • Text 3 (hard)
  • Text 3 (hard): Question 1
  • Text 3 (hard): Question 2
  • Text 3 (hard): Question 3
  • Text 3 (hard): Question 4
  • Text 3 (hard): Question 5
  • Text 3 (hard): Question 6
  • Text 3 (hard): Question 7
  • Text 3 (hard): Question 8

Quiz zum Vortrag

  1. 3-5
  2. 1
  3. 1-2
  4. 2-3
  1. Business Science texts
  2. Social Science texts
  3. Natural Science texts
  4. Legal texts
  1. The purpose is memorizing the structure of the text.
  2. The purpose is memorizing all the important details.
  3. The purpose is writing down all the important details.
  4. The purpose is preparing counterarguments.
  1. The structure of the text passage
  2. A specific detail of the text
  3. A specific fact which can be derived from the content of the text
  4. The last passage of the text
  1. These questions are "Specific Questions".
  2. These questions aim at a detail in the text.
  3. These questions are "General Questions".
  4. These questions aim at the structure of the text.
  1. Emotional answers
  2. Answers which repeat something already written in the text.
  3. Long responses
  4. Answers which only refer to the first passage.
  1. Trigger Words
  2. Continuing Words
  3. Yin-Yang Words
  4. Ambivalent Words
  5. Moving Words
  1. These are words which let you know that the paragraph will not change the path.
  2. These are signs that this paragraph changes the direction and will therefore disagree with what is stated before.
  3. These are words which let you know that there are two opposing points of view.
  4. These are signs that it is easier to attack the answers than to find the right choice.
  1. Nevertheless
  2. Despite
  3. In addition
  4. Thus
  5. Likewise
  1. POE
  2. Plugging-In
  3. Error Log
  4. Paper Based Analysis
  1. Delusion
  2. Fallacy
  3. Certainty
  4. Surety
  5. Reality
  1. Accomodate
  2. Appease
  3. Assuage
  4. Agitate
  5. Incite
  1. These response options are extreme and therefore almost always incorrect.
  2. These words are easily attackable, why you can't find them in correct response options.
  3. These are response options based on facts and therefore almost always correct.
  4. These response options are final why they leave no room for interpretation.
  1. Belief
  2. Hunch
  3. Inference
  4. Measurement
  5. Proof
  1. ... politically correct.
  2. ... contextually correct.
  3. ... formulated in a neutral way.
  4. ... formulated in a versatile way.
  5. ... sophisticated.

Dozent des Vortrages (engl.) GMAT reading comprehension (Chapter 3, Part 2)

 Robert Kuehl

Robert Kuehl

Robert wurde in New Jersey geboren und unterrichtet seit über 10 Jahren. Auf Basis seiner langjährigen Lehrerfahrung hat Robert den Englischteil des GMAT-Trainings entwickelt und seine Vorträge sind nun als Bestandteil des Kursprogramms verfügbar. Als studierter Ingenieur kommt Robert außerdem extrem gut mit Zahlen zurecht, was ihn in den letzten Jahren dazu brachte, anderen dabei zu helfen, die Mathe-Aufgaben im GMAT-Test zu knacken.


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Auszüge aus dem Begleitmaterial

... Giving it a try. (1) The primary purpose of the passage is to (A) present ...

... to do several different production jobs. (C) Culture would not have an influence on the productivity levels of workers. (D) The workers in Japanese-run plants would have higher productivity levels regardless of where they were located. (E) The production ...

... to the passage, which of the following statements is true of Japanese automobile workers? (A) Their productivity levels did not equal those of United States automobile workers until the ...

... presented, classified, and then reconciled. (C) A fact is stated, and an explanation is advanced and then refuted. (D) A theory is proposed, considered and ...

... the passage that one problem associated with the production of huge lots of cars is which of the following? (A) The need to manufacture flexible machinery and equipment (B) The need to store ...

... single-function equipment. (C) Japanese automakers invest more capital per employee than do United States automakers. (D) United States-owned factories abroad have higher production levels than do Japanese owned plants in ...

... regarding Japanese automakers would the author most likely agree? (A) The efficiency levels of the Japanese automakers will decline if they become less flexible in their approach to production. (B) Japanese automakers productivity levels double during the ...

... Evanston and Cramer were the first to apply this theory to the business world. Evanston videotaped the job interviews of 400 applicants at different firms. He then played only 10 seconds of each videotape to independent human resources specialists. The specialists were able to pick out the applicants who were hired with an accuracy of over 90%. Cramer took the experiment even further, using only five seconds of videotape, without sound. To his astonishment, the rate of accuracy with which the HR specialists were able to predict the successful applicants fell only to 82%. Critics argue that these results illustrate a problem with ...

... primary purpose of this passage is to (A) discuss reasons an accepted business theory is being reexamined (B) present evidence that resolves a contradiction in business theory (C) ...

... brain makes decision EXCEPT (A) analysis of information (B) ranking of information (C) comparison and contrast of information (D) rejecting information that ...

... Example Text 2: (3) The author’s attitude toward the long-held view that decisions should be made carefully over ...

... hypothesis turned out to be incorrect (C) demonstrate that while both experiments were scientifically rigorous, neither ended up being scientifically valid (D) illustrate that the principle of subconscious decision continues to work even when less information ...

... It can be inferred that the critics referred to in line 38 believed the excellent results of the two experiments had less to do with innate decision-making of the subjects than ...

... Whenever the Earth passes through a meteor stream, a meteor shower occurs. Moving at a little over 1,500,000 miles per day around its orbit, the Earth would take, on average, just over a day to cross the hollow, computer-model Geminid stream if the stream were 5,000 years old. Two brief periods of peak meteor activity during the shower would be observed, one as the Earth entered the thick-walled "pipe" and one as it exited. There is no reason why the Earth should always pass through the stream's exact center, so the time interval between the two bursts of activity would vary from one year to the next. Has the predicted ...

... which of the following? (A) Comparing two scientific theories and contrasting the predictions that each would make concerning a natural phenomenon (B) Describing a new theoretical model and noting that it explains the nature of observations made ...

... dust particles are attracted by the gravitational fields of comets. (C) Meteor streams are composed of dust particles derived from comets. (D) Comets may be composed of several kinds of materials, while meteor streams consist ...

... author states that the research described in the first paragraph was undertaken in order to (A) determine the age of an actual meteor stream (B) identify the various ...

... throughout the period of the meteor shower. (C) Meteor activity would rise to a peak at the beginning and at the end of the meteor shower. (D) Random bursts of very high meteor activity would be interspersed with periods of very little activity. ...

... to the passage, why do the dust particles in a meteor stream eventually surround a comet’s original orbit? (A) They are ejected by the comet at differing ...

... and give rise to a meteor shower. (C) Over time the distribution of dust in a meteor stream will usually become denser at the outside edges of the stream than at the center. (D) Meteor showers caused by older meteor streams should be, on average, longer in duration than those caused ...

... last paragraph of the passage that which of the following must be true of the Earth as it orbits the Sun? (A) Most meteor streams it encounters are more than 2,000 years old. (B) When ...

... stream has totally disintegrated. (C) The Geminid meteor stream should continue to exist for at least 5,000 years. (D) The Geminid meteor stream has not broadened as rapidly as the conventional theories would have predicted. (E) ...