Learning skills for students (part 1): effectivity von Michael Schmitz

Über den Vortrag

Der Vortrag „Learning skills for students (part 1): effectivity“ von Michael Schmitz ist Bestandteil des Kurses „Becoming a successful student“.

Quiz zum Vortrag

  1. requires repeatable exercises focused on a specific weakness, while providing direct feedback and a mental challenge.
  2. requires repeatable exercises focused on a specific strength, while providing direct feedback and a mental challenge.
  3. requires repeatable exercises focused on a specific weakness, while providing direct feedback and receiving help of friends.
  4. requires repeatable exercises focused on a specific weakness, while providing indirect feedback and a mental challenge.
  1. you ignore the immediate reward.
  2. one’s thoughts are focused on the short-term benefit.
  3. one’s thoughts are focused on the long-term benefit.
  4. you ignore the delayed reward.
  5. one’s thoughts are focused on the more interesting but less useful task.
  1. can lead to a virtuous circle of constant improvement.
  2. requires only a little effort.
  3. may lead to failure.
  4. is the least important key factor.
  1. would allow me to learn from my mistakes and problems and to find solutions to improve or avoid them, if I want to.
  2. is the belief that negative outcomes result from incontrollable factors.
  3. would allow me to learn from my achievements and success.
  4. is the belief that one needs to focus only on oneself in order to become successful.
  1. Deliberate practice
  2. Self-analysis
  3. Delayed satisfaction
  4. Self-efficacy
  5. Internal locus of control
  1. is not smooth but non-linear and sometimes one does not make any progress at all.
  2. is smooth.
  3. is not very realistic because one makes improvements at every point of the curve.
  4. helps to understand when to take a break in studying.

Dozent des Vortrages Learning skills for students (part 1): effectivity

 Michael Schmitz

Michael Schmitz

Michael Schmitz ist der Gründer von Artefact Consulting und führt Trainings für Universitäten und Firmen weltweit durch. Neben seiner Tätigkeit als Trainer und Dozent ist er Buchautor von "Elitestudent - Wie werde ich besser als der Durchschnitt" und Geschäftsführer eines Netzwerks für Elitestudenten (Elitestudent-Deutschland.de). Vor seiner Selbstständigkeit hat er für die Deutsche Bank in Frankfurt und London gearbeitet und war mit globalen Managementaufgaben und Bankenintegrationsprojekten beschäftigt. Michael Schmitz schloss seine Studien an der Rotterdam School of Management und der Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration in Bergen mit einem Master of Science in International Management und einem weiteren Master, dem CEMS Master in International Management, ab. Er hat einen Bachelor of Science in International Business von der Universität Maastricht und der BI Norwegian School of Management in Oslo.


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