Create a Custom List or Table Style von Sonic Performance

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Über den Vortrag

Der Vortrag „Create a Custom List or Table Style“ von Sonic Performance ist Bestandteil des Kurses „Tables in Word“. Der Vortrag ist dabei in folgende Kapitel unterteilt:

  • Introduction Create a Custom List or Table Style
  • Create New Table Styles

Quiz zum Vortrag

  1. entering the number of columns or lines
  2. "drawing" the table
  3. using readymade tables
  4. another program
  1. the next line is jumped to
  2. the next tab is jumped to
  3. nothing happens
  1. column widths can be automatically adjusted to the content
  2. the line height can be automatically uniformly spread by pressing a button
  3. columns are always inserted to the right of, and lines always above, the current position
  1. using the corresponding commands in the cell size group
  2. dragging the table lines in the corresponding direction with the mouse
  3. using the table tools layout tab
  1. lines can also be erased again
  2. tables can be interlinked
  3. new cells are created with diagonal lines
  1. word recognizes the typ of text, number and date
  2. the existence of headlines must be checked
  3. any number of columns can be consecutively sorted
  1. be changed
  2. be redesigned
  3. defined as default
  4. animated
  1. it is a component of the Word file
  2. you have access to all data sheets
  3. it can be saved as an independent Excel file

Dozent des Vortrages Create a Custom List or Table Style

 Sonic Performance

Sonic Performance

Sonic Performance Support is a provider of web-based video learning solutions in multiple languages for consumers, corporations of every size, associations and educational institutions.

All videos can be accessed instantly from any computer or mobile device via any browser and come with a human touch. Experienced trainers guide you step-by-step through the software features.


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