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Sie lernen können.Mit Videokursen für Beruf, Studium und Freizeit.
The course “Change Management” will provide you with extensive knowledge of the change process.
This course will give you an overview of the change management process. You will not only learn about the need for change and how people respond to it, but also about the vision and the mission associated with change.
In order to change the direction or the focus of any organization, we first need to establish a respective procedure that will help us to make informed decisions. The eight chapter program suggests that by using an agreed strategic thinking model, initiators of change can deliver their agreed objectives through the use of a sound methodology.
The course is designed for senior managers, strategists, and business owners who need to re-position. Furthermore, it will help organizations in restructuring elements of their process, and new business startups that are considering moving into a market.
These are the most important topics of the course:
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